About us

Helping investors to reach their retirement goals with the advice led KiwiWRAP KiwiSaver Scheme.


As a champion of professional financial advice, and those who deliver it, Consilium works with more than 150 advisory firms across New Zealand, with assets under administration in excess of $9 billion.

KiwiWRAP KiwiSaver Scheme is issued by Consilium, an independent financial services specialist offering a range of investment, business, administration and compliance services to financial advisory firms.

For more information on Consilium and Consilium Wrap, visit us at www.consilium.co.nz and www.consiliumwrap.com.

Meet the KiwiWRAP team

Malcolm Harrington

General Manager – Client Relationship and Marketing

Ben Brinkerhoff

Head of Advice

Vivecca Robinson

Senior Business Growth and Relationship Manager

Martin Keane

Client Relationship Manager

Who runs the KiwiWRAP KiwiSaver Scheme?

For full details on the roles and responsibilities of the different parties, refer to the Other Material Information here.

Adviser firms are responsible for providing and documenting personalised advice to investors, including investment recommendations, objectives and policies. Advisers also implement and monitor the investor's Investment Direction in a Personal Plan, and ensure that it continues to suit the investor's needs. An agreement for services must be entered into between investor and adviser.

Consilium NZ Limited (Consilium) is the Manager of the KiwiWRAP KiwiSaver Scheme and the operator of Consilium Wrap, where investments can be viewed. Consilium works with over 140 independent and professional advisers. Consilium does not handle investor funds and is not a custodian. You can find out more about Consilium and Consilium Wrap at www.consilium.co.nz and www.consiliumwrap.com.

FNZ Custodians Limited and FNZ Limited are custodian and administrator of the Scheme respectively, and jointly referred to as FNZ. FNZ provides custody and wrap software services to global financial institutions and to several large New Zealand banks. FNZ Custodians Ltd holds investor funds in its name as a bare trustee for the benefit of the Scheme members. You can find out more about FNZ at www.fnz.com.

Trustees Executors Limited is the Supervisor of the KiwiWRAP KiwiSaver Scheme. The Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that Consilium NZ Limited as the Manager and FNZ Custodians Limited as the Custodian of the Scheme are performing their respective duties and acting in the best interests of the Scheme’s members. Both the Manager and the Custodian provide regular detailed Scheme reporting to the Supervisor. You can find out more about Trustees Executors Limited at www.trustees.co.nz.